2012 McGraw Prize in Education Winners Named; 25th Anniversary Honors Education “Game Changers”

Harold (Terry) McGraw III, chairman, president and chief executive officer of The McGraw-Hill Companies today announced the winners of the 2012 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. This year, the 25th anniversary of the Prize, honors education “Game Changers” John Merrow, broadcast journalist and leading education commentator, Sal Khan, former financial analyst turned virtual school creator, and Ariela Rozman and Timothy Daly whose work with TNTP, formerly The New Teacher Project,  is transforming the teaching profession.  These winners were selected for their cutting-edge innovations and far-reaching impact on student achievement and teacher effectiveness.  Honorees are chosen by a distinguished, independent board of judges from the education community.  Each winner was presented with a $50,000 prize during a gala awards ceremony.

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