eInstruction announces ‘Flip Your Classoom’ winners

eInstruction, a global education software and technology company, today announced the three grand-prize winners of its sixth annual Flip Your Classroom – eInstruction Classroom Makeover Contest. The winners, representing the top video submissions from more than 250 entries from across the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec), were selected by a guest judging panel and nearly 20,000 votes submitted by the general public on the contest website, http://flipyourclassroom.einstruction.com.

The complete eInstruction Classroom Makeover is valued at approximately $75,000, with the prize packages featuring cutting-edge instructional technology from eInstruction, Adaptive Curriculum, Fablevision, InFocus, and Starrmatica. Each of the three winning classrooms will be transformed into engaging, collaborative learning environments where instructors and students can interact with each other and quality lesson content to enhance comprehension and drive student achievement. In addition to the classroom technology, winners will receive a $500 cash prize for hosting a celebratory party for the entire school.

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