eSchool News is now accepting your submissions

We are now accepting your submissions on the latest in technology and innovation in education

eschool-news-submissionsShare your opinions and best practices on relevant technology and innovation in education issues. Contribute today in our new “Colleague Corner” column or “My Tech Essentials.”

Colleague Corner

eSchool News features weekly commentary from leading educators on the latest in edtech. Become a contributor by submitting your stories here.

Read breaking news from your fellow educators

Enjoy today’s top articles from leading educators and administrators in K-12.

1        Our new reality: Social media monitoring in school by Mark Anderson, principal of Decatur Middle School, Indianapolis, Ind.

2        Walk on the Light Side by Lisa Fratt, senior writer at Boston Children’s Hospital.

3        Trends towards scalable personalized learning with technology by Anthony Kim, CEO and founder of Education Elements.

4        Five must-have tools for social studies instruction by Jim Beeghley, PhD, educational technologist, blogger, podcaster, and expert in using technology to teach social studies.

My Tech Essentials

My Tech Essentials is a new column which features educators discussing their favorite technology. Have great tech essentials you’d like to share with readers? Please submit articles here.

Five must-have tools for social studies instruction

What are the ed-tech tools that educators can’t live without? Each month, we’ll ask a different reader.

James Beeghley
Jim Beeghley, PhD, is an educational technologist, blogger, podcaster, and expert in using technology to teach social studies.

Geography and More: Google Earth

This amazing tool can be used for more than just geography. For instance, you can use it to track the travels of historical figures, such as following a particular unit during the American Civil War by adding image overlays to create “then and now” images and looking at its locations over time.   [Read More]

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