$1.5 million for research of early childhood care for dual language learners

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) of the Administration for Children and Families is providing $1.5 million to a group that will create a Center for Research in Early Care and Education to focus on dual language learners (DLLs).
The center will provide leadership and collaborate with researchers from diverse areas of expertise in order to improve the state of knowledge and measurement in early childhood research on young DLLs and the needs of their families as these relate to children’s development. The center will also identify and advance the evidence base for the best practices and strategies in early care and education programming to support the overall development of young DLLs and to effectively support their families.
Include early care and education center-based programs, home-based and family child care providers, and Head Start and Early Head Start programs are best fit for the grant. Children in families who speak languages other than English, with low-income status and/or other social disadvantages, such as limited educational attainment or residence in economically disadvantaged areas will receive special consideration.

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