easyDNA experiences growth in Advanced Forensic Testing


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 01/09/2009easyDNA an international DNA testing company has announced today that it has experienced a significant increase in the demand for its advanced DNA forensic testing services since the launch of these services was made earlier this year.
Advanced DNA forensic testing involves more complex and advanced analysis of non-standard samples and are performed within a highly experienced forensic testing laboratory equipped with state of the art equipment and technology.
Whilst easyDNA already offers forensic DNA testing on a variety of non-standard samples such hair, blood and semen stained items, toothbrushes amongst others, with the advanced service it is able to work on more difficult samples, particularly samples that are degraded or relatively old. The additional sensitivity of these tests allows for better extraction rates for the DNA profiles from these samples.
When a prospective client approaches easyDNA requiring advanced DNA forensic services, his case is normally discussed in depth to identify the most effective way to proceed with the testing. The client is then presented with the various options available and the costs involved, thereby allowing the client to take an informed decision on how he wishes to proceed.
Andrew Alexander, International Director of Sales and Marketing commented, “Since we launched our advanced DNA forensic testing services, the response from clients have been very positive. In a number of cases clients will have relatively old or degraded samples, or alternatively a limited amount of sample such as a single hair, which could be processed under normal testing procedures but would have a much lower success rate than if processed with advanced forensics. Therefore the clients will prefer to pay the additional cost. In this way they minimise the chances of not obtaining DNA, and in the process losing the sample as well as the possibility of ever finding the truth about their relationship.” 
easyDNA specialize in the provision of reliable, accurate and confidential DNA Paternity Testing, DNA Relationship Testing and DNA Forensic Testing to both the private and public sector. easyDNA operates through a network of sixteen offices covering a wide geographic area. Our Laboratories are ISO 17025 and AABB accredited which guarantees the quality of our DNA tests. All testing is performed through state-of-the-art genetic identification systems using the highest levels of accuracy available. http://www.easydna.com.au

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