More teens asking: College? Who needs it?

Nineteen-year-old Dale Stephens has founded the "UnCollege" movement, which is spreading the idea that young people are better off pursuing their dreams than going to college.
He calls it the UnCollege movement: Nineteen-year-old Dale Stephens is urging his peers to rethink the need for college, arguing that they can get more out of pursuing real-world skills than completing homework assignments and studying for exams.

“I want to change the notion that a college degree is the only path to professional success,” said Stephens, who grew up in Winters, Calif., and now lives in San Francisco, where he is building the UnCollege movement and developing a web-based company.

Stephens is part of a small but growing chorus of entrepreneurs, free thinkers, and former students who are questioning the value of higher education.

The attack is coming from multiple directions: those who say college costs far more than it should; those who say students learn far less than they should; and those who argue that graduation rates are abysmal.

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