My colleague Peter Whoriskey, a math major, made a big splash last spring with a story that cited groundbreaking research by Georgetown University economist Anthony Carnevale. He showed…
Who hasn't had their share of cold pizza for breakfast? But for high school students across Florida, their 9:30 a.m. meal is no makeshift breakfast from last night's…
Dozens of states intend to apply for waivers that would free their schools from a federal requirement that they set aside hundreds of millions of dollars a year…
We recently asked readers: “If you could name only one, what school or district practice would you like to see replicated or implemented nationally, and why?” Here are…
It’s become a common practice for graduates from different high schools to connect on social media websites and virtually “meet” each other before arriving at college. Now, a…
The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for teachers seeking to improve their understanding of mathematics by completing course work in mathematics content. For 2012–2013,…
The Let’s Play Spruce grants are designed to reward communities that have maintained and “spruced” their playspaces since their playground build. Through this application, communities must demonstrate that…
AmeriCorps awards grants to organizations to implement programs that utilize AmeriCorps members to engage in evidence-based interventions to strengthen communities.
Launched in 2006, the President's Honor Roll annually highlights the role colleges and universities play in solving community problems and placing more students on a lifelong path of…
This grant helps applicants start a vegetable garden to feed people in need in their communities. The winner will be awarded a gift card to a garden center…
Grants, up to $5,000, are available to nonprofit organizations, public schools or tax-exempt public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve…
This program engages youth and adult volunteers on Martin Luther King Day of Service by encouraging families to serve together. Together, youth ages 5-25 and their families will…
Community Action Grants provide funds to individuals, AAUW branches, and AAUW state organizations as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that…
Hewlett-Packard Co. has decided against spinning off or selling its PC division—a plan first brought to light in August by the technology conglomerate's now former CEO, the Associated…
You won't find Willyn Webb telling her high school students to put away their cell phones, even though they are technically banned in her Colorado district, U.S. News…
The Wilson Quarterly, published by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the District, sounds like something you have to read for homework and find excuses not…
It was just another schoolyard basketball game until a group of Hispanic seventh-graders defeated a group of boys from Alabama, the Associated Press reports.
How much money do you think Michelle Rhee, former Washington D.C. schools superintendent who now runs an organization called StudentsFirst, charged a regional 11,000-student campus in the Kent…
Rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson has taken on several entrepreneurial ventures and his latest, a book titled Playground, takes a look at school bullying--but not from the victim's…
Researchers found that only 10 percent of California’s public elementary schools receive high-quality science-based education, according to a study released Tuesday, the Daily Californian reports.
A religious student group has filed suit in federal court against Oklahoma's Owasso Public Schools, claiming that the district has violated the group's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights,…
The inclusion of social media data in the algorithms that search engines now use to help people find relevant information online could create a “new digital divide,” educator…
The teacher who heads up New Smyrna Beach High School's student government association could face thousands of dollars in fines. Her transgression? Helping students register to vote, the…
The end of the school day in Patty Sanchez’s kindergarten class at Geddes Elementary School is not so different from other kindergarten classes around the state. Children gather…
In his second presidential appearance in Colorado in a month, White House officials have confirmed that President Barack Obama will discuss student loans and make an announcement about…
As K-12 virtual learning expands across the nation, two of the nation’s largest ed-tech providers have jumped into the virtual learning market with significant acquisitions they hope will…
Why are teachers unions afraid or performance evaluations and merit based pay? None of the arguments offered in opposition commercial and literature holds water and many of the…
In June, Desiree Smith was graduated from Murry Bergtraum High. Her grades were in the 90s, she said, and she had passed the four state Regents exams. Since…
As an increasing number of cash-strapped states turn to virtual schools—where computers replace classmates and students learn via the internet—a new study is raising questions about their quality…