An upstairs-downstairs divide at a public school building in East Harlem

Karen Melendez-Hutt once presided over a fine success story. Early last decade, she became principal of Public School 30 in East Harlem, a school on the critical care list, The New York Times reports.

Scores had spiraled downward. Families felt trapped. The end appeared in sight. She won grants to pull in counselors, and tutored children at lunchtime, during recess, on Saturdays. Test scores rose. The school earned A’s on progress reports. Then her staff proposed to renovate the playground, a vast expanse of asphalt fissured.

The Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, gave $180,000 in 2010 for the renovation. “I called the Department of Education and said: ‘Isn’t this great? We got this money!’ ” she recalled.

An official cut her off: “There’s a lot more money than that coming,” he said. “But Eva Moskowitz has got it.” In retrospect, this was the moment the center of power — and money — began to shift decisively in this public school building.

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