20 strange things schools have banned

Hey kids, it’s time to head back to school — but don’t even think about bringing that Boobie bracelet. A Pennsylvania school district’s ban on breast cancer fundraising bracelets that say “I [heart] Boobies,” is about to be presented to a three-judge panel, according to NBC News, the Huffington Post reports. Two students from the school were suspended for wearing the bracelets to a school dance back in 2010, according to NBC. School authorities have pushed strange rules all over the map. In Ottawa, St. Joseph High School said no to yoga pants, claiming they were too tight and violated the school’s dress code. In Brampton Ont., one elementary school’s “no loving, not shoving” policy to avoid unwanted touching led to a ban on hugging. And in the U.K., one school banned students from having best friends to avoid groupism, according to the U.K.’s Sun…

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