Beginning this school year, Indiana principals’ job descriptions will include conducting annual teacher evaluations, under a law passed by state lawmakers last year, the Huffington Post reports.
The new Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts call for students to read a lot more non-fiction and less fiction than they used to, a requirement…
There's no doubt that Amazon's original Kindle Fire tablet was a huge hit. It earned over 10,000 5-star customer reviews, it remained the number-one best-selling product on Amazon…
Student IDs in a few Texas schools now have tracking chips that will allow teachers and staff to know where students are at all times, the Huffington Post…
You might already know that the Budget Control Act of 2011 created a Joint Commission of Congress that is charged with identifying budgetary savings of at least $1.2…
Facebook and Teachbook, a social networking site for teachers, have settled a lawsuit that began two years ago when Facebook alleged trademark infringement against the company.
Many of our schools lack adequate financial support, and the public is willing to pay higher taxes to remedy the situation. The problem lies in the ways our…
A study released Wednesday by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute has found that if high-spending public school districts reduced their special education staffing levels to align with the…
Schools across the country will mark the anniversary of the September 11 attacks next week with memorials, moments of silence, and special lesson plans, U.S. News reports.
Finland’s Pasi Sahlberg is one of the world’s leading experts on school reform and the author of the best-selling “Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn About Educational…
When addressing the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan appealed to the crowd not in his official capacity, but "as a parent…
Several states with financial difficulties have moved quietly in recent years to reduce spending on college education by denying low tuition rates and financial aid to American citizens…
A new project aims to transform the first five days of school; federal officials urge teachers to connect through online communities of practice; Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. launches…
As schools look for ways to incorporate more science instruction on a shoestring budget, Toronto-based educational gaming company Spongelab Interactive has a resource that can help.
When voters go to the polls to choose the nation’s next president in November, they’ll be making a choice that has important implications for schooling in the next…
Education is the great equalizer, the bedrock of the American Dream. Despite the highest levels of income disparity since the Great Depression, at a time when the personal…
A recent nationwide survey of nearly 2,000 Americans by the National Center for Learning Disabilities has found that many people are uncertain about the causes and treatments of…
The latest conflict over New York City school cafeterias has the city dishing out fewer calories than federal nutrition guidelines recommend, leading critics to argue that the city…
Pretend you're a high school student getting your nightly Facebook fix. As you scroll through your news feed, what do you see? Photos, gossip, YouTube videos, and calculus…
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has offered a program of education policy goals that calls for a smaller federal role in both K-12 and higher education, modifying but…
Hong Kong students and teachers protested Tuesday for a sixth straight day against plans to introduce Chinese patriotism classes, as political tensions rise days ahead of legislative polls,…
Forget the days of bringing an item for show and tell. These days, with most everyone having video capabilities on some sort of technology device, students illustrate their…
My high school students recently did something that rarely happens in a science classroom they did science. Although, inquiry based instruction has long been a science education buzz…
School day wake-up calls recorded by celebrities. Weekend makeup classes. Contests with laptop computers, private concerts and cars as prizes. Educators across the nation are using creative strategies…
Arizona has agreed to offer targeted reading and writing instruction to tens of thousands of public school students who were wrongly denied services under an English Language Learner…
Drafters of an interstate agreement on distance learning in higher education are entering the final stages of creating a model agreement that would make it much easier for…
Nearly 900 school districts across the nation intend to apply for a slice of close to $400 million in grants that the U.S. Education Department will distribute in…
Arkansas’ Osceola School District has students use Renaissance Learning’s NEO—a low-cost, battery-powered keyboard with word processing and quizzing capabilities—for their writing projects and Wii gaming systems for physical…
You might already know that the Budget Control Act of 2011 created a Joint Commission of Congress that is charged with identifying budgetary savings of at least $1.2…