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3 K-12 ransomware threats and solutions

k-12 ransomware

In February 2016, South Carolina’s Horry County School District was forced to pay a $10,000 ransom to unlock critical data and systems following a ransomware attack. This certainly came as a shock, but unfortunately these types of attacks on schools aren’t all that uncommon.  But one has to wonder – could the attack have been prevented? Once it happened, could Horry County have avoided paying the ransom?

Ransomware is insidious and effective, and its use is growing fast. Increasing numbers of people in organizations of all sizes have experienced the profound dismay of showing up to work, only to find their files inaccessible and a ransom demand on the screen.

The good news is that with the right combination of protective measures, it is entirely possible to block most attacks—and to render powerless those few that may get into your network.

K-12 is a Prime Target—Here’s Why

Until now, K-12 IT professionals have been slow to adopt protections against ransomware, perhaps thinking that they are unlikely to be targeted. But as Horry County learned, any organization whose userbase includes young people and children is an especially tempting target for ransomware. Young users are simply less mindful of potential consequences, and more likely to open suspicious email and attachments, which is how most attacks begin.

Education budgets don’t normally include blank checks for cyber criminals. But an investment in effective anti-ransomware measures should be a priority for any K-12 organization that wants to avoid nasty, expensive surprises.

3 Measures Schools Can Take to Stay Ahead of Ransomware:

1. Training and Awareness

Most ransomware attacks begin with an email containing a malicious link or attachment. Consequently, the single most important measure you can take to reduce the likelihood of a successful attack is to train yourself, your students, families and your staff to practice safe computing and recognize red flags that indicate a potentially malicious email.

Ensure all users understand the following key practices, and maintain awareness with a program of regular reminders:

(Next page: 2 more ransomware solutions)

2. Secure Your Network

Effective user training can help stop a lot of attacks, but keeping your network free of malware also requires a combination of effective perimeter filtering, strategically designed network architecture, and the capability to detect and eliminate resident malware that may already be inside your network.

3. Backup—Your Last, Best Defense Against Ransomware

When a ransomware attack succeeds, your critical files—HR, payroll, grades, health records, confidential student files, email records, etc.—are encrypted, and the only way to obtain the decryption key is to pay a ransom.

But if you’ve been diligent about using an effective backup system, you can simply refuse to pay and restore your files from your most recent backup—your attackers will have to find someone else to rob.

Automated, cloud-based backup services can provide the greatest security. Reputable vendors offer a variety of very simple and secure backup service options, priced for organizations of any size.

For budget or other reasons, your organization may be committed for the time being to a legacy, on-premises backup solution. If so, you should certainly be planning to transition to a cloud-based system. In the meantime, be sure to configure your system to update backup files throughout the day, and be extremely diligent about moving your current backups to a secure, off-site location every evening.