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5 questions we should be asking about student screen addiction

screen addiction

Numerous voices have emerged in the last two years to warn us about the effects of digital screen addiction on children. These voices include Adam Alter in his book “Irresistible”, Nicholas Kardaras in his book “Glow Kids”, Jean Twenge in her Atlantic Monthly “iGen” article, Delaney Ruston in her film “Screenagers”, and Anderson Cooper in his 60 Minutes “Brain Hacking” segment.

They have told us that our screens are as addictive as any drug, that they fragment children’s attention, consume an inordinate amount of their time, isolate them from others, reduce the time they spend exercising, cut into their sleep, reduce the quality of their study and learning, diminish their cognitive functioning, and make them anxious and depressed.

They have told us that tech companies have a deep understanding of the mechanisms of screen addiction, and that they use this understanding to make apps super-addictive. Facebook co-founder Sean Parker affirmed this point in November during an interview with Axios in which he said that Facebook was all about “…how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible (by) exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology. We understood this consciously, and we did it anyway.”

Next page: Five things to consider when it comes to screen addiction

These voices also have revealed that some tech executives are concerned about the negative consequences of screen addiction, and that they limit their own children’s use of screens. For example, Steve Jobs didn’t allow his own children to use iPads, former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya doesn’t allow his kids to use Facebook, and numerous tech executives send their children to schools like Waldorf because screens aren’t permitted.

These voices have provided us with some comfort by publicly validating our private concerns. We are relieved to know that our children aren’t the only ones who have changed in disturbing ways after getting a smartphone, and that we aren’t crazy because we believe that this is wrong, if not dangerous.

These voices also implicitly affirm our feeling that something must be done to address screen addiction among children. But what specifically? In order to decide what must be done we need to have a national conversation about which societal institutions should be responsible for addressing screen addiction, and what role each should play. This national conversation must answer the following questions:

Our future will be screen-saturated. While screens provide our children with nearly amazing benefits in terms of learning and communicating with others, we now know that they also seriously harm them. How do we set norms and limits that achieve a healthy, manageable balance between the benefits they provide, and the harm they cause? The questions above offer an initial stab at framing our national dialogue about how to do this.