Readers who follow us on Twitter are especially interested in new eLearning tools, mobile devices, and game-based learning strategies, as evidenced by the questions we received during our first live Twitter chat hour with readers.
Hosted by Editor Dennis Pierce, the April 26 session gave readers a chance to submit questions and engage in an online dialogue about new trends and recent developments in education technology. The event took place entirely on Twitter and was so well received that we plan on making it a regular feature.
For our next Twitter chat hour, Managing Editor Laura Devaney will take questions from readers and share her ed-tech insights from 1-2 p.m. Eastern time on June 9.
Here’s a partial transcript of the April session, which touched on the rise of “bring your own tool” (BYOT) policies in K-12 education, and the implications these raise for schools; whether Amazon’s recent troubles might discourage schools from pursuing cloud-based computing initiatives; and much more.
CBlohmAssoc: Q for #esnedchat and Dennis at @eschoolnews—do you think the public’s perception of eLearning is changing? For better or worse?
eSchoolNews: @CBlohmAssoc, yes I do, esp. among parents: See results of latest SpeakUp survey http://ow.ly/4Ho5G … 5x more parents now support eLearning.
eSchoolNews: @Careermerger asked for recs on new eLearning tools: check out www.sophia.org, www.wiggio.com; anyone else have suggestions?
adisackn: @eschoolnews @Careermerger For eLearning tools, especially online formative assessments, take a look at www.naiku.net
lightspeedsys: @eschoolnews what do you think of iPads in the classrooms? A game changer? Or just a fad?
eSchoolNews: @lightspeedsys iPads can be a game changer, tho pricey. Hopefully release of more Android tablets will help bring prices down.
s_bearden: iPad is definitely not a fad, but it will only be a game changer depending on what the teachers do with them.
adisackn: I agree. What are teachers doing with iPads today? What tools do they have?
drthomasho: @adisackn @s_bearden I’m working on this project: http://s.hofamily.me/iconnectma
ckoos1: @s_Bearden some tchrs are creating stories w/students on iPads. Can be highly motivational way to get kids writing.
myMinaK: I’ve found WordQ to be a great tool to encourage innovative writing http://goo.gl/AxkMC
lightspeedsys: @eschoolnews What do you say to those who think technology like iPads are too much of a distraction for students?
drthomasho: @lightspeedsys @eschoolnews BOREDOM is too much of a distraction for students!!!
eSchoolNews: @drthomasho good response!
s_bearden: @eschoolnews I would say it is just the opposite, we find them to be more engaged in their own learning.
bmanchee: @eschoolnews Can you discuss cutting-edge use of game design & educational games?
eSchoolNews: @bmanchee: Some educational game design resources: http://ow.ly/4HpqP … http://ow.ly/4Hpwi. Anyone know of others?
eSchoolNews: @bmanchee see also this new national contest: http://ow.ly/4Hq4v
chasinggodot: @eschoolnews What are your thoughts on 1:1 mobile computing in classrooms?
eSchoolNews: @chasinggodot a key trend that’s really taking off is leveraging student-owned devices, made possible by improvements in…
eSchoolNews: … mobile device management (MDM): See http://ow.ly/4HphL
40ishoracle: @chasinggodot @eschoolnews BYOT is our model—let students decide best tool for their learning objectives
s_bearden: @40ishoracle We like BYOT also. We currently allow 10-12 graders to BYOT, may expand next year.
chasinggodot: @s_bearden @40ishoracle Interesting on BYOT. What are benefits? Can teachers incorporate classroom mgt software on diff. devices?
s_bearden: @chasinggodot Benefits: less cost to IT, they can change technologies as they need to.
ckoos1: @chasinggodot BYOT means the tchr can’t use classman softwr, but that hasn’t been a problem. Highly engaged kids are on task.
yvesmainville: Like the concept of BYOT ! however, cannot see that flying in our board anytime soon. shhh: c-o-n-t-r-o-l
s_bearden: @yvesmainville It’s very different. We have changed our thinking 180 deg in the past 2 years. We anticipated problems, had none.
s_bearden: @yvesmainville It helps we have a very good AUP specifically covering BYOT devices.
drthomasho: @40ishoracle @chasinggodot @eschoolnews BYOT works best if you use BROWSER-based tools & services, doesn’t it?
eSchoolNews: @drthomasho agreed—that’s one reason why cloud-based services are exploding in popularity
CBlohmAssoc: @eschoolnews Do you think Amazon’s recent cloud-based woes will lead schools/districts to be more cautious with cloud tech?
s_bearden: @CBlohmAssoc Find me a district with better server reliability than amazon. In-house data centers can have problems too!
eSchoolNews: @cblohmassoc Good Q. My guess is no, based on what colleges said after recent Gmail outages: http://ow.ly/4Hqbi
eSchoolNews: @CBlohmAssoc sat in on a gr8 session about IT outsourcing at ACUTA conf. Watch for story on when cloud-based services make most sense…
eSchoolNews: @cblohmassoc …and how to protect yourself. SLAs are key! Must define response times, recourse, etc. More info to follow soon.
[Editor’s note: The story Pierce was referring to is “IT outsourcing: Does it make sense for your schools?” It appears here. And you can find more information about BYOT policies here.]
For our next Twitter chat hour, Managing Editor Laura Devaney will take questions from readers and share her ed-tech insights from 1-2 p.m. ET on June 9. If you aren’t already following us on Twitter, you can sign up by going to: http://twitter.com/eschoolnews.
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