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Romney adviser calls Head Start ‘a social experience’

When it comes to the nuts and bolts of education policy, a topic that ranks high among the concerns of female and Latino voters, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are remarkably similar: both think standardized tests are important, that teachers need to be evaluated rigorously, and that charter schools are an important component of America’s educational landscape, the Huffington Post reports. So at a Monday night debate at Columbia University’s Teachers College, the education advisers of both presidential candidates tried to spotlight differences. What it boils down to, both said, is the federal government’s role in education.

“The view of budget policy that the governor has and the … belief that the federal government should be consolidated or shrunk a lot, that these are various issues that are not for federal involvement, … represents a significant contrast between the two,” said Jon Schnur, who has been advising President Barack Obama on education since 2008…

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