Summer PD registration is open now—which opportunity interests you most?

PD-oppsSchool may last a little longer for some districts than others, depending on how many snow days some parts of the country experienced. But as schools close for the summer, many educators use their “free” time to enroll in professional development (PD) to prepare for the next school year.

For educators who may be seeking spring or summer PD opportunities in subject areas, Common Core implementation, technology integration, and more, options are plentiful.

Here, we’ve gathered a number of PD opportunities that span the spring and summer months. This is just a sampling, though, and if you know of a great PD opportunity, leave it in the comments section below.

(Next page: PD opportunities, seminars, and more)

ASCD’s one-day Common Core institutes, covering math, English/language arts and literacy, and formative assessments, run from April to May in various cities across the U.S.

ASCD’s two-day institutes, focusing on the Common Core standards and understanding their framework, also run April through May.

Learning and the Brain summer institutes run during July and August and include topics such as the neuroscience of reading and the power of mindsets. Institutes take place in Massachusetts, with an annual conference in New York City in May.

EdTechTeacher offers summer learning opportunities in several locations across the country. Topics include mobile device and iPad use, integrating technology with core subject areas, and using social media for teaching and learning.

The International Society for Technology in Education’s annual conference, in Atlanta this year, offers a plethora of ed-tech workshops, sessions, and how-tos.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is offering its Interactive Institutes on a variety of math topics and strategies, including Common Core State Standards in math. Institutes run from July through August and take place in San Diego and Chicago.

Educators also can check out free Edcamp events. An Edcamp event is an “unconference” that is created by participants and encourages discussion, collaboration, and hands-on experiences.

The Museum Institute for Teaching Science offers hybrid institutes for grades 3-8 educators, including 16 hours of online instruction and one week of on-site learning in various regions of Massachusetts, Educators also can enroll in one-week institutes for hands-on inquiry investigations and content sessions.

The College Board’s AP and Pre-AP Summer Institutes are subject-specific professional development opportunities. They provide teachers with the support and training needed to teach AP courses and to utilize Pre-AP teaching strategies. Teachers from around the world come together at these institutes to exchange ideas and information about AP courses and exams.

From Discovery Education, the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) official blog will be offering a daily “summer school series” to get educators back in gear for the new school year. It will be posted on the DEN blog beginning August 1. DEN will be live streaming sessions from the DEN Summer Institute (DENSI) for educators nationwide to participate virtually, along with the 150 educators who are attending in-person in Tennessee. DENSI is a week-long professional development and networking experience featuring a variety of speakers and hands-on workshops designed to empower educators to enliven curriculum and engage students using the latest innovations in teaching and learning. Discovery Education’s 2014 DENapalooza tour resumes in August. DENapalooza is a series of no cost professional development opportunities that will provide participants with new skills and strategies for integrating educational technologies into classroom instruction to accelerate student engagement and achievement.

Stanford University’s Summer Teaching Institute this year focuses on making Common Core standards matter in your classroom. From July 15-18, educators can learn how to deepen their own Common Core understanding, learn new instructional approaches, and develop materials to use in their classrooms.

STEM Education for Girls will host its next STEM Think Tank and Conference from July 16-18. This year’s theme is “The STEM Connection – Developing Skills, Creating Relationships.” The Think Tank and Conference will bring together national leaders in K-12 education for girls and young women (independent, public, charter, and parochial), university K-12 outreach coordinators and researchers, leaders of successful university STEM programs, girls’ informal educators, and members of industry. 2014 conference strands include helping girls persevere in STEM, connecting STEM to all disciplines, and encouraging STEM learning in diverse communities.

Vernier offers one-day, hands-on exploration sessions across the country throughout the summer. Sessions include six hours of training and experience working with experts who can help educators with their classroom labs and activities.

The Harvard Graduate School of Education maintains The Principals’ Center, which connects school leaders with peers who face similar challenges and helps educators build professional networks. The Principals’ Center offers a number of summer programs.

For on-demand professional development, educators can access throughout the summer. The site offers webinars available for free via different communities focusing on topics such as leadership, school libraries, the Common Core, and more.

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Laura Ascione

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