eSchool of the Month

Is your school or school district a leader when it comes to technology? If so, eSchool News invites your superintendent, technology coordinator, or principal to nominate your school or district for the School or District of the Month.

eSchool News wants to recognize the hard work that has helped your school or district become a model for others seeking to more effectively integrate technology into every aspect of the educational and administrative process.

If you are selected as a winner, we’ll use the information you submit to compile a story outlining your school or district’s technology efforts. You’ll also be featured in our weekly eMail newsletters and in other prominent ways.

Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis and are judged by eSchool News editors according to the Hallmarks of Excellence we’ve listed after the nomination form.

Online Nomination Form: eSchool of the Month

eSchool of the Month Hallmarks

  • School and/or district leaders, administrators, and educators use technology effectively each day in administration and instruction.
  • Technology resources are equitably distributed among students and staff.
  • Professional development is a key part of every district or school technology initiative and implementation.
  • Superintendents, administrators, teachers, and parents are informed and understand technology’s valuable role in education.
  • When technology is integrated into district or school curriculum, district and school leaders are invested and present from start to finish and closely monitor the process.
  • School leaders carefully construct a district technology plan for technology development and implementation.
  • School/district operations are streamlined through the use of technology.
  • Emerging technologies are studied and included in potential technology solutions when appropriate – i.e., school leaders are willing to experiment with new technologies.
  • Leaders think about technology not only in the short-term, but consider its long-term potential and impact for school learning and operations.
  • Students, who often can master new technologies quicker than teachers, play a role in classroom technology use, both in using technology for educational purposes as well as helping educators discover new uses for existing technology.
  • Technology is combined with data to inform instruction and increase student achievement.
  • School leaders approach Web 2.0 tools and social networking tools with an open mind.
  • School leaders work with school and district technology leaders and officials and each is in open communication with the other.

INNOVATIONS in K-12 Education


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