Every bit helps. February’s school grants offer some aid for teachers

funding-grantSchool funding is a challenge even in the post prosperous of times, especially when it comes to ed tech–technology is always changing, and maintaining or upgrading initiatives, tools, or resources is not always free. Many educators and administrators rely on school grants to fund important projects and opportunities for students.

Each month, eSchool News compiles a list of new education grant opportunities. This month’s grant roundup focuses on grants small and large for science, math, and technology teachers.

Check out these funding opportunities for teachers, students, parents, and administrators–there’s likely to be a grant that’s relevant to your needs.

Next page: March’s STEM grants for teachers


ASM International – Materials Education Foundation
K-12 educators involved in materials, science, and engineering who have developed and/or implemented a hands-on approach for their students are eligible for these grants that aim to enhance awareness of materials science and the role that materials scientists play in
Funding amount: $500
Deadline: May 25

Bayer USA Foundation STEM education Grants
These grants fund hands-on, inquiry-based science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education programs and initiatives that provide innovative solutions to encourage more female and minority students to pursue a career in STEM. (The foundation will fund nonprofits, but not primary or secondary schools. Geographic restrictions may also apply).
Funding amount: varies
Deadline: Rolling

Program of Mathematics Study & Active Professionalism Grants
The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for teachers seeking to improve their understanding and appreciation of mathematics by completing course work in school mathematics content and pedagogy working toward an advanced degree, and taking an active professional approach toward teaching mathematics. Intended for National Council of Teachers of Mathematics members.
Funding amount: up to $24k
Deadline: May 4

Teach for the Planet
DonorsChoose.org is partnering with the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to identify the most innovative environmental science, climate change, and sustainability projects.
Funding amount: $500-$10k
Deadline: Rolling

National Education Foundation CyberLearning STEM Grants
Since many public schools lack funds for STEM, at the request of several state education departments and the U.S. Department of Education, the National Education Foundation (NEF), the national non-profit leader in STEM education is offering STEM grants, with no out-of-pocket cost to any public school district or charter school with 35 percent or more students eligible for Free/Reduced meals.
Funding amount: varies
Deadline: Rolling

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