4 components of an effective literacy ecosystem or literacy program

4 components of an effective literacy ecosystem

Implementing a high-quality literacy ecosystem quickly may not be easy, but we don't have another choice

Key points:

Literacy is arguably the most important skill needed to ensure students reach academic and professional success. It’s also important that students establish strong literacy skills from the get-go–because with them, many students may not learn to read.

This is where a high-quality literacy ecosystem matters. The right literacy program can make all the difference for your students. And while overhauling existing systems and implementing new programs may seem daunting, the effort is well worth it for the right literacy solution.

Moving through the following components in detail may be overwhelming, but experts recommend planning implementation via a strategic multi-year approach (as outlined here).

Here are four components every high-functioning literacy ecosystem should have:

1. A high-quality Tier 1 core curriculum: It should be effective and easy for teachers to use, and should address the critical skills students will need to develop to become fluent readers.

2. High-quality assessments: A high-quality curriculum-based measurement will help you determine if the core curriculum is working for students. You’ll need to know if what you’re doing is working–and if it’s working, is it working in all areas? A consistent approach to assessing student progress helps you see where pockets of strength are in your district, as well as which areas need a bit more support.

3. A framework for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports: Some students will need more help than others. Having high-quality assessments in place (see #2) will help you execute Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports effectively.

4. Teacher and school leader development: Professional learning for teachers and school leaders will be essential in forming the foundation for your literacy program’s success and impact on students.

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Laura Ascione

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