Eau Claire, Wis., Superintendent Ron Heilmann is working on a draft policy that would allow school board member participation in board deliberations via teleconferencing, reports the Leader-Telegram. The board tentatively is scheduled to discuss the draft June 15, but Heilmann said that discussion could be pushed back to a later date. The Eau Claire school district isn’t the first in Wisconsin to look at such a policy, said Steve Hintzman, associate executive director for the Wisconsin Association of School Boards. "It is a topic of interest," he said, "and technology has changed to make this possible. We usually suggest if school districts are going to consider allowing allowing [school board members to participate this way], that they have a policy … and have it reviewed by legal counsel." While board member Mike Bollinger, the Eau Claire school district’s former information technology director, hasn’t seen what Heilmann is working on, he said he is open to the idea, provided a quorum of the board physically attends a meeting before a fellow board member can participate via teleconference. "I make every attempt to keep my Mondays free, but it doesn’t always work out that way," said Bollinger, whose job includes travel, which sometimes keeps him from board meetings…
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