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IT School Leadership
7 ways to get teacher buy-in for new edtech
Teacher buy-in carries a tremendous amount of weight when it comes to an edtech initiative's success--here's how to get it.
5 myths about device buyback programs
Device buyback programs shouldn't be confusing or intimidating--here are some popular myths, dispelled.
3 ways IT teams can manage tool sprawl
“Tool sprawl”—too many edtech tools—can waste funds and cause districts to miss important learning opportunities.
Post-pandemic tools are focusing on engaging digital content for all learning scenarios
Discovery Education has added new features to its K-12 learning platform that offer new ways to immerse students in digital content.
Creating a Paperless Future in K-12 Schools
The technological landscape is changing for K-12 schools. With higher expectations from parents, students, teachers, staff and partners, and limited resources to meet these changing needs, K-12 schools are looking for a way to make the most of their technology investments. DocuSign has helped many schools transition from paper to digital agreements, saving time and money. Transforming paper-based processes helps K-12s offer a better experience for students and families, while making staff more efficient.
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IT School Leadership