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March 17, 2017
3 ways a new E-rate funded technology is helping schools save

As schools near completion of their E-Rate filing for this year, one game-changing E-rate technology has the potential to save schools precious time and money. The technology--a new network design concept called Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)--allows schools and other organizations to replace their current network hardware such as routers and…

The must-have elements of teacher-loved PD

Ineffective PD wastes teacher time, district’ resources, and most importantly, affects student results. In “Teachers’ Skills in the Digital Age and Personalized PD for Teachers,” hosted by and sponsored by 2gnō.me, Lynn Gershman, educator at 2gnō.me, explored issues in PD and the importance of personalizing PD for teachers.

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App of the Week: Helping learn big numbers

Ed. note: App of the Week picks are now being curated by the editors of Common Sense Education, which helps ... Read more

12 augmented reality apps students can use today

Augmented reality--a technology that uses a trigger image to superimpose digital content over a user’s view of the real world--is growing in popularity and accessibility, and it holds a wealth of potential for education. Often described as “QR codes on steroids,” the technology offers news and exciting ways for students…

Teachers: Should you use business tactics for happier classrooms?

In recent years, school leaders have debated what, if anything, schools can glean from the way businesses are run. Should schools be managed like business organizations? And to what extent? Now, three educator-researchers are sharing their findings on the topic as they wonder if classroom teachers can use successful, proven…

If you give a kindergartner a Chromebook…

Although even the youngest children are considered tech-savvy today, there exists a difference between a child who knows how to use a tablet to watch videos and a child who knows how to navigate a device for active learning. The thought of giving 30 kindergarten students their own Chromebooks might…


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