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February 27, 2017
Why my students are real world-ready with nothing but a device
ipads tech device

Just as few modern-day workers could function in their jobs without a cellphone, a laptop, or periodic trips to Google, I want my students to learn how to solve problems using devices that will likely be similar to ones they will encounter for the rest of their lives.


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February’s 11 buzzworthy edtech tools

Things move fast in the edtech world, and we hear all the time from teachers how hard it can be to keep up. This is why we've created the EdTech Eleven: our monthly list of noteworthy tools generating buzz in the edtech world. While these aren't recommendations or ratings (you…



Digital citizenship lessons from a 9-year-old with 18,000 Twitter followers

Olivia Van Ledtje might only be nine years old, but already she has a global following. She loves to read, and she records a video blog called LivBits in which she shares information about the books she has read and her observations about life in general. Her vlog is so…



5 things schools can learn from the food truck phenomenon
food truck schools

In my own town, we have several special events based on food trucks, as well as several new bars or pubs that allow food trucks to serve as their mobile kitchen. And even though they are using a familiar idea, why have food trucks become so popular? And better yet,…

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App of the Week: Reach emotional goals

Ed. note: App of the Week picks are now being curated by the editors of Common Sense Education, which helps ... Read more

5 big takeaways from redesigning learning spaces
Why personalized learning should start in school libraries
12 augmented reality apps students can use today
$680K challenge targets virtual, augmented reality
augmented reality

A new $680,000 competition calls for designs of next-generation of educational virtual and augmented reality simulations that strengthen career and technical skills. The U.S. Department of Education's EdSim Challenge calls upon the virtual reality, video game developer, and educational technology communities to submit concepts for immersive simulations that will prepare…


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