Communication between teachers and parents makes it easier for educators to understand the outside challenges students may deal with, and it helps parents understand how they can better…
Mimio is offering a free guide for educators designed to help K-12 students improve collaboration skills. The guide, called Collaborate to the Core! 2, is a follow-up to…
“Students, please remember to monotonously read every slide word-for-word when you present to the class.” Said no teacher ever. As I prepare for my presentation this week at…
Joining in the effort to keep students engaged in the classroom, Microsoft on April 29 announced a new addition to its PowerPoint software that allows students to participate…
In a move that could spur more widespread use of online tools for communicating and collaborating within K-12 education, software giant Microsoft Corp. has announced a strategic partnership…
Cloud computing and collaborative learning environments are set to take hold in K-12 schools in the very near future, with mobile devices, game-based learning, and other education technologies…
In what educators and vendors are calling a giant step forward in education technology, the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) recently announced that all major interactive…
More schools and colleges are turning to unified communications as a way to streamline communication and save much-needed money in unpredictable economic times.
In a national survey that reveals K-12 students' use of technology at home and at school, students overwhelmingly agreed that access to digital media tools and the ability…
With Microsoft's Windows 7 launching Oct. 22, two school leaders who have tested the new operating system say it improves on many of the features that were problematic…
More than 200 schools, districts, universities, state education departments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations have expressed support for a "National Action Agenda" from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills…