10 of the best apps for education

As iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches become more integrated in classrooms, educators and students are looking for new ways to apply them to the learning process. Applications on all of these devices can help automate current classroom processes or present new ways to learn that previously had been unexplored.

In this special feature, we’ve assembled a list of education “apps” for Apple devices that we think are noteworthy. Five are free, and the other five range in price from $0.99 to $9.99. What do you think of these apps? And, which apps for Apple devices are you using now that aren’t on our list? Share your thoughts in the comments section of this story.

Name: Word Lens
Best for: Language Classes
Cost: Free
Features: Instantly translates signage from one language to another through the camera application
How to Use: Language teachers can use this program for scavenger hunts

Name: Molecules
Best for: Science Classes
Cost: Free
Features: Allows users to view and manipulate three-dimensional models of different molecules
How to Use: Visual learners can see how protein molecules are composed and can download new molecules from the RCSB Protein Data Bank

Name: Blackboard Mobile Learn
Best for: Students and teachers whose campuses already use Blackboard
Cost: Free
Features: Course listings, organizations users are involved in as well as access to any readings
How to Use:Users can enroll in any classes or organizations that they have registered for and download any assignments their instructors have posted

Name: Today in History
Best for: History Classes
Cost: Free
Features: Lists notable events in history as well as important figures who were born or died on a specific date
How to Use:Use for trivia quizzes or facts of the day

Name: Math Ref Free
Best for: Math Classes
Cost: Free
Features: A free version of Math Ref, this app offers 600 out of over 1,300 formulas, figures, tips, and examples
How to Use: Use as a formula study guide or to view graphs of different equations

Name: PI83 Graphing Calculator
Best for: Math Classes
Cost: $0.99
Features: With over 100 math functions, the graphing calculator is a clone of the TI-83 without the $70 price tag
How to Use: Use in place of any calculator to input data, make graphs or matrices

Name: Star Walk
Best for: Astronomy Classes
Cost: $2.99
Features: An astral telescope; Star Walk adapts its view to wherever the user holds it up to, highlighting constellations and planets
How to Use: Use for guided tours of the night sky or to find the location of any specific astral objects

Name: Cram
Best for: Anyone in need of test prep
Cost: $3.99
Features: Both teachers and students can create flashcards and tests and import and share them with others
How to Use: Use to study for standardized tests or exams, or create study materials for students

Name: Essay Grader
Best for: Teachers pressed for time
Cost: $5.99
Features: Essay grader comes with a bank of pre-written comments and helps teachers cut down on grading time without writing the same comments over and over again by hand
How to Use: After assigning a grade, teachers can then eMail the grade sheet directly to the student or export it to the computer for editing and printing

Name: eClicker
Best for: Teachers looking for classroom feedback
Cost: $9.99
Features: Providing instant results, eClicker charts the class responses, showing which areas are understood and which need more work
How to Use: Students select a response to a question composed by the instructor and are then able to participate without fear of being wrong, since only the teacher views the results

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