A Blueprint for Effective Instructional Coaching Programs: Creating Success from Planning Through Ongoing Support

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Studies dating back four decades show that the transfer of new skills into teacher practice occurs 5%-15% of the time after one-off workshops; and 85%-95% of the time when ongoing instructional coaching is provided.

Coaching continues to be recognized by researchers and practitioners in education as a nimble form of on-the-job, relevant support available to teachers. Leaders are no longer asking if we should provide our teachers with instructional coaching, but how we do this in ways that create sustainable change in teacher practice and improved student outcomes.

In particular, rural schools face a unique set of opportunities and challenges when it comes to shifting teacher practice. Educators in rural school systems often develop strong relationships among staff, students and the community. However, the perceived lack of access to broader educational and career opportunities can make it challenging to embrace a culture of 21st century teaching and learning.

After 11 years learning from millions of teachers, BetterLesson has been able to determine the universal factors that make coaches and coaching effective. During this webinar, we will share a blueprint for creating and sustaining effective instructional coaching. You will also learn from Superintendent Dr. Laurie Barron how rural Evergreen School District applied these strategies and the significant results they have seen, including increased teacher ownership of reflection and growth; improved intentional reflection on practice; and a positive impact on student achievement.

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • How coaching should be structured to maximize impact on teacher practice
  • Responsibilities that either optimize or limit coach effectiveness
  • The three biggest implementation challenges and how to overcome them
  • Eight steps to guide an instructional coaching program
  • How one district built a culture of coaching and why this is key to achieving their mission
  • District results produced through an effective coaching program

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