Powering the Digital Classroom: More than just Computers

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Time: 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT
Duration: One hour

If I put a laptop on your desk, do you become smarter? Just introducing computers to the classroom will not, on its own, improve instruction. By now, using the experience of many districts around the country, we know a lot about how to use technology effectively to support improved instructional practices. Come learn from the experience of educators about key success factors in implementing a digital initiative.

Whether you have some digital classrooms in your district, or you have an iPad initiative, or you only have a few computers in the classroom, you know that technology will soon become a reality. Join us for a free webinar to learn how educators are creating an optimal instructional environment using digital devices and integrated curriculum to power the classroom.

Thomas Greaves, Chairman at the Greaves Group and co-author of Digital Teaching Platforms: Customizing the Classroom for each Student, and Barbara Rudolph, Principal at Davis Intermediate School at the Wylie Independent School District in Texas, will discuss how to power a digital classroom for success.

Register to:

  • Find out the 9 key factors in powering a digital classroom successfully
  • Ensure your curriculum leverages technology using real world examples
  • Find out how to use bring your own device (BYOD) to fund a move to digital
  • Hear from an educator who successfully aligned a professional learning program to support a digital initiative

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Webinar Speakers:

Barbara Rudolph
Davis Intermediate School
Wylie Independent School District

Thomas Greaves
The Greaves Group, LLC

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