The week's best education technology insight and the latest stories on how schools are solving technology problems to improve learning.
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Hi everyone! We have two new features starting this week and we’d love your input! Blogger Mondays will feature a must-read blog to start off your week, and Podcast Fridays will offer a terrific podcast to listen to over the weekend. Send your favorites to
Latest Stories
How our district is becoming “Digital from Day One”
Two district tech leaders share the steps they’ve taken to give every student access to the digital resources they need | Gartner's annual list of forthcoming tech trends promises innovation and immersive experiences
10 technology trends that will revolutionize 2019
Two district tech leaders share the steps they’ve taken to give every student access to the digital resources they need | Gartner's annual list of forthcoming tech trends promises innovation and immersive experiences

How the Rule of 3-2-1, RPOs & RTOs Can Keep Your School’s Digital Services Running

Discover the roles RTOs, RPOs and three other elements play in ensuring your school's digital services stay up and running.
Cult of Pedagogy
This week’s highlighted blog has something for educators at every level | A little work now can make the 2019 filing process much easier for E-rate applicants
Here’s a must-do for E-rate applicants
This week’s highlighted blog has something for educators at every level | A little work now can make the 2019 filing process much easier for E-rate applicants

Make sure your security vendor can answer these important questions!

Check out this free IT leaders guide that delivers insights, best practices and key questions to help you determine whether your server technology vendor is a rock star or a dud.
Using technology to embrace the “un-faculty” meeting
A principal shares how he started a PLC movement and empowered his faculty

4 ways your peers get the most from digital books

Discover how four educators are using digital to maximize student agency, personalization, integration and engagement.
From the Vault
Greatest lesson: Teacher buy-in is overrated
While consensus and collaborative decision-making is important, waiting for full teacher buy-in can also be paralyzing to innovation.
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