Digital transformation is about adopting powerful new ways of teaching and learning at its core, but technology is what enables this shift to occur. Students need devices that can access the web, as well as rich new apps and tools for creating, sharing, and discovering content. And just as important, they need a robust network infrastructure that can support these activities. Insufficient bandwidth can undermine digital learning initiatives before they have the chance to pay off. But thanks to new E-rate and other public funding opportunities, schools have ample opportunity to implement equipment and service upgrades that support and promote digital learning.
Explore the resources below to learn how E-rate opportunities can help fuel your school’s digital transformation.
Featured Special Report
Supporting a Digital Transformation in Schools
Federal Communications Commission’s overhaul of the E-rate program created an unprecedented opportunity for K-12 districts to upgrade their network infrastructure and take advantage of the digital revolution. Learn how successful districts such as Wayne Highglands and El Centro Elementary utilized the new E-rate to fuel their digital transformations and transform teaching and learning.
E-rate Resources

Rural California School District Provides Equal Access to Technology
El Centro ESD updates its network to support one-to-one solutions for students.
El Centro ESD makes it a priority to provide strong Internet connectivity, which is unique for its rural location. And, thanks to the school’s eligibility for E-rate discounts, it is able to work toward a second critical goal: adopting a one-to-one learning environment. See how they’re doing.

Network Readiness Guide
Technology Readiness for Personalized Learning and College and Career Standards
Is your school network ready? To help you answer this question, this guide suggests the questions you should ask, provides a process to consider, and outlines action points around network preparedness for standardized or College and Career Readiness (CCR) assessments for grades 3 through 11.

Learn Without Limits
Digital Transformation in Schools with E-rate
Digitization is opening up a new world of opportunities for students to learn more—in new ways, in new places, and with new connections to resources around the globe. Learn how E-rate funding opportunities can empower equipment and service upgrades that support digital learning success.

E-rate Modernization
A New Paradigm for Connectivity
Find out what you need to know about major changes resulting from the E-Rate Modernization Order that impact funding years 2015 and 2016.

Every Child, Every Day
Mooresville’s “Digital Conversion” Puts Kids First
It’s difficult to overstate the dramatic impact and success of Mooresville School District’s digital conversion. Once in the 60-percent level of competency in all subject areas, the district pushed well above 85 percent in just two years, and was recognized as a “School of Distinction.” Learn their steps to success here.

Schools Plug Into BYOD:
Mobile Devices Transform Learning at Katy ISD
Follow one district’s journey toward a complete retooling of the teaching and learning model, with the goal of reigniting a zeal for learning and keeping its K-12 student’s engaged, while leveraging the investments the district already had made in its technology infrastructure.
Digital Transformation Resources

Report: Schools expect faster internet within 3 years
E-rate funding applicants weigh in on the program’s strengths and opportunities for improvement

States assess their readiness for digital learning
Statewide ed-tech inventories are helping state leaders assess their digital learning needs

The 7 pillars of today’s digital leadership
School and district leadership isn’t about a position or title–it’s about improving practices around digital learning

9 ways to improve your district’s digital leadership
More than ever, it’s important for districts to support and increase digital leadership

Librarians are taking the lead in the digital transformation
Librarians and media specialists are bridging the gap between instruction and technology. One pioneer shares how she does it