An interim superintendent shares how administrators, coaches, and educators have built a culture of coaching that has increased teacher retention and boosted student achievement
Finding time for teacher professional development can be challenging, especially when district cannot offer PD during the school day or as an option for time off
For beginning teachers, decide what you value and support students as individuals, build a community of learners, and connect with fellow teachers for support
In formal training programs, mentorship can help residents establish tangible connections between their coursework to experiences working with children
Artificial intelligence in PD is guiding teachers through a self-coaching cycle aligned to common growth areas as they watch video of their classroom teaching in action
Balancing teacher workload and maximizing the outcomes of PD--to create immediate impact, lasting skills, educator engagement--requires a thoughtful approach
Many teachers have left the profession after the pandemic, citing burnout and inadequate pay, but some Indianapolis college students are sure of their decision to choose a career in education
For beginning teachers, decide what you value and support students as individuals, build a community of learners, and connect with fellow teachers for support
New analysis finds ample opportunities for state policymakers to implement teacher and principal evaluation systems that drive educator and student success
Professional development is often overlooked and considered an afterthought—especially with pressing concerns around students’ mental health and well-being
Having an online tutoring structure in place has been especially helpful for newer teachers in the district, who can direct students to tutors for additional support