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Please accept this free STAR REPORT — Grant Seeking Advice You Can Take to the Bank as a way of saying Thank You.

In this report you will find proven strategies that every school leader should know

  • The 10 most common grant-seeking mistakes—and how to avoid them.
  • Seven things every new grant writer should know.
  • Five ways to beat those grant deadlines—and boost your funding chances, too.
  • How to know when to apply for a grant, learn from your rejection, and more.

Times are tough, and schools need every dollar they can find to support their educational programs. This grant-seeking guide intends to help. Strung throughout its pages are pearls of wisdom from eSchool News columnist Deborah Ward, a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) with more than 20 years of experience writing grant proposals for schools. Deb’s monthly column has been a must-read feature of eSchool News for more than a dozen years, and we’ve taken the very best of her advice and assembled it here for your review. When put into practice, the strategies contained in this guide should pay dividends for your schools.

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