Century Club 100

Founded in 1925, the Century Club 100 is an honorary organization that facilitates a cross-country exchange of ideas and fosters educational leadership. It consists of two superintendents from each state, and each retiring active member nominates his or her replacement. The current membership includes 100 active members and more than 90 associate members.

“Century Club 100 [serves] as an honorary organization that facilitates an exchange of ideas and fosters educational leadership,” Holman said.

Watch an interview with Evelyn Holman and hear her thoughts on technology and today’s superintendents.

Download the “The Century Club 100” Annual Meeting and Luncheon 2009 Program from the AASA Convention held February 20, 2009. Featuring the Tech-Savvy Superintendent Awards Ceremony which was made possible with support from K12 Inc, Promethean, and the Pearson Foundation.

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