How to Be a Connected School Leader

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

school leader

Date: Monday, October 21, 2013
Time: 4:30 pm EST / 1:30pm PST
Duration: 1 hour

Join us for this insightful webinar to learn how online and social media can help school and district leaders connect with colleagues, share ideas, and enhance their personal and professional growth.

By attending this free event, you’ll learn…

• How to build a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
• What resources exist to keep K-12 school leaders connected online.
• Tips for using social media to enhance professional learning—without becoming overwhelmed!

Webinar Speakers


Shannon McClintock-Miller is the district teacher librarian at Van Meter Community School in Iowa. She is the author of the award winning Van Meter Library Voice blog and enjoys writing for ISTE’s Leading & Learning journal, various blogs, and other forums. She has had the opportunity to speak and consult in Iowa and around the country on education, librarianship, technology, social media, and making a difference in education and the lives of others. She can be found on Twitter at @shannonmmiller

Michael Sharnoff
Associate Editor for Online Content at eSchool Media

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