Does your school have an eDiscovery solution in place? Join us on May 15th to learn how an eDiscovery solution can reduce risk and save time and money

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Time: 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST
Duration: 1 hour

Schools are accumulating electronic information exponentially which presents significant legal challenges in litigation.  Email communications among faculty, staff, administration, students and alumni are subject to an array of laws and regulations. The new MOOC environment with its international availability also poses difficulty in managing and protecting information. From FERPA to FOIA, schools must be able to preserve and discover information for litigation purposes.

Is your school equipped to respond to requests for digitized information?  How can you make sense of all of your information and zoom in on only the relevant pieces needed?

Join us on May 15th, 2013 to learn real world examples of how eDiscovery solutions can help schools establish effective information governance and improve the 5 Vs of Big Data: volume, velocity, variety, value, and veracity. We will also highlight Symantec’s application that enables schools to:

  • Easily and quickly find data in a sound manner
  • Cull-down data by up to 90 percent
  • Increase review throughput and consistency
  • Eliminate movement of data across multiple, disparate tools
  • Improve defensibility of the e-Discovery process
  • Adapt to evolving government records management mandates, while simultaneously reducing risks

Webinar Speakers

Paula A. Barran
Barran Liebman LLP

Dawn Swainston
National Manager
Programs and Alliances State, Local Government and Education

Tom Kennedy
Archiving & E-Discovery

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Attend this webinar and receive a certificate of attendance towards your professional development hours. For more information please email Shana Murik at

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