How To Successfully Scale Personalized Learning with iPads
Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director
Meet Your Speakers
David J. Saltmarsh JAMF's Educational Evangelist, M.A.Ed., CETL JAMF Software Speaker Bio
David J. Saltmarsh JAMF's Educational Evangelist, M.A.Ed., CETL JAMF Software
Dave Saltmarsh is career educator who over the corse of 18 years worked as a classroom teacher turned IT & Library Director in Arizona and Maine. In addition to managing all facets of information technology, he has led implementations in 1:1 computers for students, as well as handheld programs, and has focused on personalized learning, Over the last five years, he has traveled globally and gained a worldwide perspective on the use of technology in schools and business. Dave has a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology and has earned CoSN’s Certified Educational Technology Leader distinction.