LIVE @ FETC: Exclusive Coverage

Leveraging Technology Investments to Turn Around Struggling Schools

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Can technology impact student learning and is it effective to help close achievement gaps? These two questions have been plaguing education leaders for decades. And, with so many options, what is the right solution?

With the entire country talking about how to fix education, what are the best strategies for measuring effective programs and how can good schools be replicated? One critical facet of the conversation is understanding how technology can support our efforts for rebuilding schools and can technology help boost student achievement.

For the past two years, Dr. Robert Marzano has been studying the effectiveness of interactive classroom technology, specifically interactive whiteboards. The results of this multi-year study are encouraging. When used consistently, by teachers who have received sufficient training, student achievement increases by an average 16 percentile points.

During this webinar, Sonny Magana, Head of Global Research for Promethean, will lead a discussion about how two very different schools used interactive technology to boost individual student achievement.

Click through to page 2 to view the archived webinar…

Webinar Moderator:

Sonny Magana
Head of Global Research
Promethean, Inc.

Webinar Speakers:

Mary Kraus
Program Manager for Technology Services
Lemon Grove School District

Dr. Andrea Thomas-Reynolds
Chief Executive Officer
Algiers Charter Schools Association

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