Making Technology Manageable to Drive Results
Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Time: 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT
Duration: 1 hour
Sponsor: Pearson
Sharpen your edge while minding your margin with technology that works for you (and not the other way around).
Education technology should make it easier to get the results you need with the resources you have. If you’re finding that your educational software programs are demanding more from you than they’re delivering, join us for a free webinar presented by eSchool News to learn how making instructional technology more manageable can help you drive results.
Register for this free eSchool News Webinar, Making Technology Manageable: Educational Software that Drives Results without Driving You Crazy, offered live at 2:00 EST on October 18 to:
-Hear from large-scale educational software users who aren’t just surviving, but thriving with their implementation.
-See how a manageable technology implementation can drive results while conserving resources.
-Learn what your educational software provider should be doing to ensure your success.
Click through to page 2 to view the webinar…
The Instructional Information Services Leadership Team at Tippecanoe School District in Indiana:
Mike Watson, CIO, Chief Information Officer, Tippecanoe School District
Jamie Ramos, ITS, Information and Technology Services Coordinator, Tippecanoe School District
Tom Schmidt, ITS, Information and Technology Services Coordinator, Tippecanoe School District
Eric Wagner, Pearson’s Chief Technology Officer
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