With the influx of new technologies and instructional models, districts must ensure they are effectively leveraging these resources and that their digital infrastructure is safe, accessible, and sustainable. eSchool News has compiled the latest edtech and funding best practices to ensure the success and longevity of your school’s digital future with innovation and security at the center.
How to be cyber smart at school
Being cyber smart at school used to simply mean logging out of your computer before leaving the lab. But with the move to 1:1 digital devices and remote learning, schools and students are being exposed to a high volume of threats from across the web — and inside the campus.
Using Federal Grants to Hire Personnel
Jefferson County Schools received nearly $120 million from a dozen federal programs and funded more than 140 additional FTE teachers and support staff. Read this white paper to find out how they managed the enormous job of tracking and reporting grant-supported activities.
Transforming K-12 Business Processes with Intelligent Automation
Digitizing workflows is essential for maintaining business continuity in the event of another pandemic or emergency. And with more than $190 billion in pandemic relief aid available to K-12 schools, now is the perfect opportunity for K-12 districts to digitize their back-office systems if they haven’t done so already.
Three key steps to enabling the digital classroom
Digital transformation isn’t about new platforms, technologies, or equipment. It’s about transforming your campus with digital technologies that improve the way students learn, students and staff collaborate, and the overall student experience.
Update Your District’s AUP to Protect Your Students
When was the last time you revisited your acceptable use policy (AUP) to ensure it was current and protecting your students and district? Download this free guide to keep your AUP up to date, your district secure, and your students protected.
4 Ways to Make Hybrid Education Work
Change has seemed like the only constant over the past few years. Learn how school systems large and small are meeting the demand for flexible, hybrid learning environments and navigating a seemingly constant flurry of budget curveballs.