Tomorrow’s engineers, designers and problem solvers deserve every tool available to build a brilliant future. 3D printing fuels limitless creativity when students get to see, hold and test their ideas in real space.
Bringing 3D printing into the classroom exposes learners to the same cutting-edge technologies they’ll encounter in their careers, giving them a jump-start on tomorrow’s challenges. We invite you to explore the information below to learn how schools across the country are inspiring a new generation of problem solvers by integrating 3D printing into their K-12 curriculum.
Featured Special Report
Making Their Mark:
How the maker movement is inspiring a new generation of problem solvers and innovators
Aiming to inspire a new generation of problem solvers and innovators that can compete in the global economy, a growing number of schools are adopting maker spaces equipped with everything from construction paper and glue guns to electronics kits, 3D printers, and laser cutters. In this Special Report, we’ll look at how the maker movement fills a critical need in education today—and how technology allows students to create much more sophisticated, professional-level projects than ever before.
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3D Printing and Curriculum
Turning Students into Inquisitive Creators
Giving students access to 3D printers turns them into thinkers, designers and builders well before they reach the job market. Featuring success stories from several collegiate-level design and manufacturing projects.
Chico High School Case Study
In this case study, see how Chico High School teacher provides real-world experience for students, and use 3D printing to design for local businesses in their community. These hands-on projects in the classroom help advance students’ skill sets for the future.
Video: Wentworth Institute Uses 3D Printing Curriculum
Watch this video to learn how Wentworth Institute integrated 3D printing into its classroom curriculum.
Six Steps to Building ROI into Your Curriculum
One of the most effective ways to teach students is to give them projects and problems from real life. Here’s how you can offer your students usable career skills by creating partnerships with local businesses.
Starbase Case Study
At STARBASE Minnesota, a non-profit educational organization serving nearly 4,000 students each year from more than 30 inner city schools, instructors have found an assignment that eliminates students’ aversion to math problems – have the students plan a mission to Mars that includes building working rockets.
Collaboration and Creation
How the maker movement inspires every student to love learning
No matter the subject, making and collaborating engages students in inspiring ways…
The future of learning spaces is open ended
Collaboration and creation do not lend themselves to rows of desks. What is the future of learning spaces?
Impact of 3D Printing
3D printing in your classroom–so what?
How does 3D printing impact classroom practices and student learning?
3D printing and Star Trek?
The latest 3D printing technology calls to mind real-world applications of fictional, futuristic technology…
STEM Education Insights
Changing a district’s future, through STEM
The top priority in these projects is not the technology or facilities, but the pedagogy behind using them. “This ideology of inquiry-based instruction is weaved into everything we do,” Wilkes said.
The project-based STEM curriculum that’s big on real-world rigor
A STEM curriculum introduces students to real-world engineering…