Finding a “Common” Tongue: Language Learning in the Common Core Era

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director









Date: Monday, December 2, 2013
Time: 2:00 pm EST / 11:00am PST
Duration: 1 hour

In our increasingly global 21st century society, world language acquisition is more important than ever. But in the age of the Common Core, how can schools and districts best teach world languages and leverage the benefits of language acquisition in core subjects? By attending this webinar, you’ll get expert advice and answers to your questions about digital world language acquisition in the age of the Common Core from Dr. Aline Germain-Rutherford, Chief Learning Officer for Middlebury Interactive Languages and Associate Vice-President for MIddlebury College’s famed Language Schools.

By attending this free one-hour dialogue, you’ll learn:
• How world language and cultural awareness positively contribute to students’ performance in core subjects
• How teachers have implemented world language courses in connection to the Common Core in blended learning environments, leading to greater student success
• How Common Core standards and the National Standards set forth by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) fit together.


Webinar Speakers


Aline Germain-Rutherford Ph.D.
Chief Learning Officer, Middlebury Interactive Languages.

Dr. Aline Germain-Rutherford received a Doctorat de Didactologie/Didactique des Langues et des Cultures at La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III, France and is the author of numerous publications on faculty development, second language pedagogy, speech technology and the integration of sound pedagogy in e-learning practices. Dr. Germain-Rutherford has headed several national and international research projects, specifically on faculty development and multicultural issues in post-secondary education and online environments, and she has been a visiting professor and keynote speaker in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Having taught for many years in Canadian universities, she is a recipient of the 3M National Teaching Fellow Award, a Canadian Award that recognizes excellence in teaching and leadership in higher education.

Aline brings a wealth of expertise to Middlebury Interactive Languages as the Associate Vice-President of the Language Schools and Graduate programs of Middlebury College, Vermont. Aline is also the Director of the Middlebury College French School and was the former Director of the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) of the University of Ottawa.



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