A closer look at FSC’s SMART Integration Project

Here’s a closer look at the Four-Week Intensive SMART Integration Pre-service Teacher Training Model in use by Jennifer Brown King at the Educational Technology Center at Florida Southern College.

Week 1, Introduction to the SMART Board and the SMART Notebook 10 software

Pre-service teachers are taught to set up the board and computer, use the pen tray, orient the board, and understand fingertip touch. They also learn how to customize the Floating Toolbar and write, clear, capture, and save ink notes. Each student demonstrates his or her ability to perform all of these tasks. The students are then introduced to the Notebook 10 software’s layout, tools, and commands and must create six pages of classroom content. Students will finish this week prepared to create a mini-lesson on a topic and grade level of their choosing.

Week 2, Engagement: Using SMART tools to stimulate the engaged learning of students

Pre-service teachers learn to use the SMART Document Camera to capture images and function as a teaching tool. They also learn to use Bright Ideas and create a concept map for some aspect of their content.
Week 3, Interaction: Maximizing interactivity by incorporating SMART interactive strategies

Pre-service teachers demonstrate six interactive strategies in their lesson, using such tools as the SMART Pen, Creative Pen, and Shapes Pen.

Week 4, Assessment: Determining student mastery of content using the SMART Response System

Pre-service teachers create a five- to 10-item test, discuss data, and use the data to make decisions about content mastery.
For the remaining weeks in the semester, pre-service teachers use other technology tools–such as PowerPoint or Word–and integrate them with the SMART tools to develop projects. The teachers demonstrate writing, clearing, capturing, and saving ink notes on the whiteboard while teaching with these tools.

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