Ohio looking to overhaul 12th grade so students are ready for college, training

Ohio’s top education leaders want to “reinvent” the senior year of high school so that instead of cruising through their final year, students get involved in technical training, apprenticeships, or college classes, reports the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “We want to have no distinction between the senior year of high school and the first year of college,” said Stan Heffner, superintendent of the Ohio Department of Education, at a meeting this week of the Ohio Board of Regents, which oversees higher education. “A high school senior year is in many ways a wasteland,” he said. “They have passed the Ohio Graduation Test and tests to get into college. Wouldn’t it be something to have them meshed together? We’re pretty excited about this.” Many states are talking about how to make 12th grade more relevant but none as seriously as Ohio, said Bruce Hunter, associate executive director of the American Association of School Administrators…

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