CUE, Inc. announces relaunch of the Infinite Thinking Machine

Computer-Using Educators, Inc. (CUE) is thrilled to announce the relaunch of the Infinite Thinking Machine (ITM)! The ITM, available at and @ITMshow on Twitter, is a high-energy internet TV show directly targeted at K-12 educators, parents and students. The ITM is education in motion, and the show’s short format yields itself to viewing on any mobile device as well as standard desktops and laptops. Mike Lawrence, CUE’s Executive Director and ITM’s co-executive producer calls the show “Ed Tech Professional Development on the go.”

New episodes of the snappy, jam-packed web shorts (5-7 minutes) will be released once a fortnight and will feature real educators sharing tools and instructional practices that showcase “bright spots” in innovative classrooms around the world. “Sometimes all you need is an idea or to see something being used to send you off in an amazing direction.

We aim to supply teachers with those “Aha!” moments by having teachers, administrators and students demonstrate fun ideas for the classroom using the latest tools and technology available,” said Chris Fitzgerald Walsh, co-executive producer.

Hosting the web-based shows is Dr. Ramsey Musallam, a California-based high school teacher. “I cannot wait to see and hear how these videos help teachers approach the use of technology and new ideas in the classroom. The ITM model is really about inspiring teachers to think in different ways. Even if teachers don’t have time to explore and implement the latest technological devices, these web shorts will give them a different approach or way of thinking about material they’ve taught for years,” Musallam said.

The first episode of the redesigned show is available now on YouTube, and the second episode launches today along with the website. Subsequent episodes will air every other week and can be watched on both YouTube and at CUE plans on broader syndication for the show in the coming year.

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