Now more than ever, academic English acquisition is a crucial focus for non-native English language students nationwide. In order to help close the achievement gap and boost student outcomes for English Language Learners (ELLs), we’ve partnered with Middlebury Interactive Languages to provide resources for ELL educators. We’ve compiled guides, articles, classroom posters and videos to help educators provide their ELL students with a global approach to English language learning.

New Resources for ELL Educators

Video: Digital ELL Curriculum Overview

Watch how this new ELL curriculum is designed to help schools and districts improve learning outcomes for non-native English speakers.


Building a Better Future for English Language Learners

How Hartford Public Schools and Middlebury Interactive Languages are partnering to close the ELL achievement gap.


Classroom Poster: Common English Idioms

A free, downloadable classroom posters that includes nine expressions every middle schoolers—native speakers and non-native English speakers alike—should know.


A Look at English Language Learners Across the U.S.

This downloadable infographic explores the languages being spoken most often by English Language Learners across the U.S.


Need a New Curriculum Solution to Engage Your ELL?

Learn about Middlebury Interactive’s new ELL curriculum, aligning to Common Core and WIDA standards.


Ending the ELL Fire Drill

Watch this recorded webinar on how technology and proven language pedagogy prepare students for success.


ELL Pedagogical Approach

A whitepaper from Middlebury Interactive’s Chief Academic Officer on the pedagogical approach utilized in the digital ELL curriculum.


ELL Success Stories

Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners

Researcher and ELL expert Jim Cummins has identified three keys to success in teaching students who are just learning English. Here’s how technology can help.


Digital curriculum targets ELL learning gap

Middlebury Interactive Languages launches new program for school districts; also available through partner Fuel Education


Breaking language and digital barriers in bilingual education

This bilingual school is using technology to integrate students


Debunking the myth that good teachers shouldn’t use curriculum aids

Expecting teachers to go it alone hurts school improvement. It’s time to reframe the debate


Ohio district extends language software to all students, parents

Online language learning assistance helps district bridge communication, cultural barriers


This bilingual school is using technology to integrate students

Taking a foreign language class can help when ordering a French crepe or finding the nearest bathroom, but it can only get a student so far in a globalized world.


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