Funds For Learning said it helped Oklahoma’s Okaloosa County School District secure more than $500,000 in funding for telecommunications services through the federal e-Rate program. The district received this funding with the help of the company’s e-Rate Manager for Applicants, an online suite of tools that simplifies the complex e-Rate application process, Funds For Learning said.
PBS TeacherLine has partnered with the School Improvement Network to incorporate new content into its Peer Connection product to help teachers turn research theory into classroom practice. PBS TeacherLine Peer Connection is an online suite of multimedia resources, instructional strategies, and tools that support educators responsible for providing onsite, job-embedded professional development to their peers.
PEPPM is a technology bidding and purchasing program that does the legwork by soliciting bids on popular lines of computer equipment, peripherals, software, audio-visual equipment, and communication products.
STI recently began offering Extreme Intervention through its Achievement solution to help schools and districts with response-to-intervention programs. Extreme Intervention is a customized professional coaching service that helps schools develop and implement response-to-intervention programs successfully, STI said.
TCPN (The Cooperative Purchasing Network) is a national purchasing cooperative that competitively bids and awards contracts for commonly purchased products and services. TCPN is a governmental entity founded to help school districts operate more efficiently.
Teachscape demonstrated Classroom Walkthrough 3.0, the latest version of its research-based process that allows school administrators to quickly collect data about classroom practices and use this information to work with teachers to plan and implement improvement activities. Teachscape also said it has partnered with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to provide discounted, three-semester-hour graduate courses to NSBA Technology Leadership Network (TLN) member districts. All courses offered through this arrangement will save TLN members $100 off the price of the course and materials, the company said.
Turning Technologies announced three new educational consulting programs at FETC. Turn Up Achievement is a comprehensive school improvement program designed to create measurable increases in student achievement. It’s grounded in the belief that strong leadership, consistent data collection and analysis, continuous and ongoing professional development, proven curriculum, and community support will result in maximizing a school’s potential. Turn Up Learning, which helps schools implement a Response to Intervention program, is a problem-solving model for schools to identify instructional needs and intervene with evidence-based practices. And Turn Up Engagement is a systemic approach to increasing student engagement through a multi-disciplined integration of educational gaming. The core components of the program include a game design curriculum for K-12 computer science instructors, specific educational games for accelerating learning in core subject areas, and a progress monitoring system to ensure student achievement, the company explained.
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