WeChooseTheMoon.org is a new web site from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum that aims to inspire members of the Internet Generation 40 years after the first lunar landing. The web site launched on July 16, recreating the Apollo 11 mission online in real time on the 40th anniversary of this historic event. The site tracked the capsule’s route from the Earth to the moon, ending with the July 20 moon landing and Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk—in real time, but 40 years later. Site visitors had the opportunity to follow the mission through live Twitter feeds and site updates last week, but students and educators can take part in the archived experience any time, at their own pace. Internet visitors can see animated recreations of key events from the four-day mission, including when Apollo 11 first orbits the moon and when the lunar module separates from the command module, as well as browse video clips and photos and hear the radio transmission between the astronauts and NASA flight controllers. The site also connects the mission back to Kennedy, who first set the goal to have a man on the moon by the end of the decade during a May 25, 1961, speech before Congress. http://wechoosethemoon.org
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