DULUTH, GA — Aug 3, 2009 — Curriculum Advantage Inc. and Global Education Technologies (GET) today announce a partnership to give K-12 schools a complete Response to Intervention (RtI) solution that links data management and assessment with differentiated instruction to improve student learning. Through this partnership, student results from Classworks® comprehensive K-12 instructional software will be integrated with Enrich™, GET’s data, tracking and reporting solution for RtI programs.


RtI is a proven strategy for improving student outcomes through the ongoing evaluation of student performance and research-based interventions. Enrich provides a centralized online system that enables teachers and administrators to accurately track interventions and monitor student progress. With the addition of Classworks data, schools and districts using Enrich have another data source for decision-making and can now easily deliver instruction to students based on their individual needs.


“Together, Classworks and Enrich provide a comprehensive solution to help educators quickly and easily implement an effective RtI program,” said Melissa Sinunu, chief operations officer for Curriculum Advantage. “Adding Classworks data to Enrich’s reporting will save teachers time by providing instant access to individualized interventions that engage students with diverse learning styles, and strengthen each student’s knowledge and skills. Plus, with Enrich, educators can now gain a complete view of student performance and their response to interventions in Classworks and other programs, so they can immediately address students’ needs.”


Classworks provides individualized instruction in math, reading, language arts and elementary science to bring at-risk students to grade level proficiency, accelerate learning for mainstream students, and help English learners build fluency. It includes 17,000 instructional activities drawn from 265 top software titles. With these activities, teachers can target and customize instruction to improve the performance of students from Tier I, which includes students performing on grade level, through Tier IV, which assigns Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students.


“As educators narrow their focus and target their instructional programs to meet the unique educational needs of their students, it is equally important that companies like Curriculum Advantage and Global Education Technologies broaden their products and business perspective by offering integrated systems that significantly expand the capabilities of their respective products,” said Dr. David Larson, education management consultant for Global Education Technologies.  “This partnership truly demonstrates our technology solution can be greater than the sum of the individual parts.”


About Curriculum Advantage
Curriculum Advantage Inc. ( is the developer of the award-winning Classworks® system of K-12 reading and mathematics instruction and learning tools. Available as a web-based or networked solution, Classworks’ activities are correlated to national and state learning standards and state tests, and include prescriptive and summative assessment, remediation and reporting tools. Classworks Language Learner Series addresses English as Second Language learning with content that focuses on auditory, visual and tactile/kinesthetic components.

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