Integrate Education and Technology in your classroom for free.

Salt Lake City, Utah August 23, 2009 — Gold Systems Inc., has launched a new online training and education community. is a free Learning Management System that that supports the creation and distribution of shared knowledge. It was created out of the simple concept that things like training and education should be kept in the public domain and available to anyone. Individuals and organizations alike can greatly benefit from participating in such programs. is dedicated to revolutionizing the Learning Management System marketplace by building a strong community of students, educators, and collaborators.

In today’s environment, children are growing up surrounded by a wealth of technology. Many school districts have already begun to integrate a blended learning model into their curriculum. In blended learning, instructors are able to provide different methods to enhance the learning process of their students. Using electronic media in the classroom is not meant to replace traditional face-to-face learning, but instead to supplement it.
Using online material to complement classroom teaching helps learners by allowing them to study at their own pace in their own time and place. It allows them to view material subjectively and encourages creative and critical thinking. also supports each course with a certificate of validation, to prove that real learning has taken place.
While is a free and managed solution for anyone in the community who is willing to share their content with the public, there is also an option that keeps content private and behind a secure portal and it’s just as easy to use as the free site. Premium Services were launched recently on July 6, 2009. LearningZen gives their user complete control of the content, and with the functionality of the site-you can be up and running in hours rather than days. While you can use virtually and sort of media to enhance your course, new features such as the ability to upload PowerPoint presentations are continually developed bi-weekly. LZ is streamlined for training and certification, but can also be used for simple education purposes. At $4999 annually, LearningZen is one of the lowest cost Learning Management Systems available.
Doug Mark, Vice President of Business Development had this to say: “The team at LearningZen has never understood why competitiors charge anywhere from $60,000 to over a million dollars for a Learning Management system. Organizations like the idea of e-learning because it’s supposed to save them money but a lot of LMS companies are very secretive about the overall cost. We wanted to get away form this concept and deliver a low cost solution to the masses.” 
About Gold Systems:
Gold Systems, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been providing creative and cost-effective applications for state and federal government agencies for over 20 years. The company is a leader in the areas of state and federal vital statistics, (electronic registry of births, deaths, adoptions, marriages, etc.), environmental water quality data management, aviation services, emergency medical services and developing and hosting of Internet and Intranet applications.
Gold Systems has been recognized by the State of Utah and the Mountainwest Venture Group as one of the Utah 100 fastest growing companies in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006. In 2008, the company was recognized in the Fortune 5000 as one of the fastest growing companies in the United States. For more information, including the latest product and technology news, visit
If you would like having any questions or require more information about LearningZen is available at or by calling 801-456-6154.
For media inquiries contact:
Tanya Sapula
LearningZen Public Relations

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