uBoost launches new corporate site

Honolulu, HI (PRWEB) September 12, 2009 — uBoost, the nation’s premiere online student recognition and rewards program, announced today the launch of its new corporate site at www.uBoost.com. The redeveloped site clearly outlines features, pricing, plans, rewards options and current performance incentive research.

"We put in a lot of thought into the look and feel of the site to make it easier for clients to navigate and find relevant information," says John C Bower, CEO of uBoost. "We will continue to use our website to inform visitors about current uBoost initiatives, best practices, current performance incentive research, news and client case studies."

Visitors can now learn more about uBoost’s features and how they can be tailored to fit their company’s needs. The site also provides visibility into existing programs, giving users a better sense of how other clients are using the platform to encourage appropriate student behavior.

uBoost will continue to update its site with support resources for its growing client-base, in addition to posts regarding new features and upgrades. You can keep up with uBoost by following them on Facebook, Twitter, Slideshare, and YouTube.

About uBoost
uBoost is an online performance recognition and rewards platform where points are awarded for positive behaviors and redeemed for relevant rewards. uBoost works across all age groups, curricula, and achievement levels and offers educators an innovative way to recognize incremental improvement.

Recognition in the form of points, performance-based honor badges, and a coveted spot on achiever leader-boards encourages students to put forth maximum effort. Students are able to choose from a catalog containing thousands of rewards choices (from $.01 to $200.00) thereby ensuring that there is something that interests and motivates them. Students can redeem their points for merchandise and gift cards; support their favorite charitable cause; customize their own safe, virtual environment; or participate in contests to win premium rewards such as iPods and Amazon.com gift cards. To maintain engagement, uBoost continues to offer new rewards and contests to keep up with students’ changing interests and to ensure relevance throughout the school year.

uBoost partners with publishers, district administrators, online schools, tutoring companies, and private education companies to design and implement student recognition and rewards programs.

For more information, visit www.uBoost.com or call 808.377.4810.



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