eSchool News April 2011

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31 Netwatch
Ten great sites with free teacher resources.

32 Viewpoint
Why education is not like business.

What’s News

1 Feds seek better union-district harmony

1 Report: Blended learning could hit or miss

1 Obama budget gives education a boost

3 Expert: Federal school reform plan is wrong

8 GPS technology helps lower truancy rates

10 Jobs breaks from medical leave to unveil iPad 2

12 Federal broadband map shows need for connectivity

14 States make gains in building data systems

16 A call for curriculum to support common standards

17 Schools to get $9M for off-campus wireless access

18 AASA conference focuses on collaboration

18 TCEA seeks to remove barriers from tech access

21 Collective bargaining rights at stake in many states

26 Tech-savvy superintendents honored in Denver


3 Online Update

6 Default Lines

6 Your Turn

28 Education in Focus

34 Grants & Funding

35 Stakeholder & Community Relations

36 Online Calendar

36 Tech Buyer’s Marketplace

37 Product Spotlight

37 Advertisers’ Showcase

38 eSN.TV Viewer’s Guide

38 eSchool Partners

17 Math and technology
Strong math skills are important if students hope to succeed—and software that delivers hands-on, personalized instruction can help.
— Jenna Zwang


Resources for this issue

3 Expert: Federal plan… For more news and opinion on education reform, see our online School Reform Center:

17 Schools to get $9M… For the latest in school funding news, go to

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