Case study: Hamilton County Department of Education

Case study: Hamilton County Department of Education
Case study: Hamilton County Department of Education

See how one district achieved the highest NCLB scores in its history.

The Hamilton County Department of Education (HCDE) oversees nine K-12 school districts comprised of 78 schools in and around Chattanooga, Tennessee, including 36 Title I schools. With 40,000 students and 6,700 employees, the Department ranks alongside the Tennessee Valley Authority for its economic impact on the region.

The Need
HCDE wanted to know why its students were testing below state target levels for the No Child Left Behind Act, and what it could to do to improve their performance.

The Result
HCDE achieved the best NCLB results in its history. With its ability to predict and intervene with at-risk students, HCDE also reduced its annual dropout rate by 25 percent.

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